With more than 24 years of practice, Dr. Bianca Brasil has developed a unique style of treatment based on ancient, classic and modern Chinese Medicine and the most recent medical research. 

Even though there is an enourmous diversity of techniques within the oriental medicines, restoring health and maintaining it depends on plenty of fundamental issues. The human body and it´s capacity of being healthy are regulated externally by the rythms of nature and internally by the movements of emotions, and for that reason, apart from treating symptoms we also teach the client to develop healthy habits of resting, nutrition, breathing, meditation and emotional management, or the treatment would be solely symptomatic and the disease would soon return. 

Each client is unique. For this reason each treatment and session is personally designed and delivered. The time of a single session may vary between 1 and 2 hours. 

Dr. Bianca Brasil treats people of all ages and health conditions, including infertility. Amongst the various Oriental Medicine modalities are: acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, cupping, guasha, and others.  

Sessions are available in person and through videoconference in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.
" Fantastic" is the exact word to describe the attention, treatment and follow up Dr. Bianca offers. When I had run out of hope in solving my problems due to endometriosis, after seeing her, I could lose weight, get rid of my chronic insomnia, pelvic pain, hemorrage and constipation. I recovered my self esteem, mental and emotional balance .

Gisele Cardoso, 39 years old

I decided to see Dr. Bianca because I had been feeling indisposed for a long time, I had no desire or energy to work. I began the treatment and it was wonderful because my energy went sky high! At 80 years of age, I can say this is the way I want to live my life. I started sewing again, lost weight, all pains in my body are gone, spend the whole day working and cleaning the house. Consult Dr. Bianca, she is wonderful!!!

Nilza Bertocco, 81 years old

I was worried about my menses being late and in a video consultation, Dr. Bianca examined my tongue and sent me a map with  some Korean acupressure points in the handfor me to press. After one single self application, my menses came the next day and I had no cramps or any other usual discomfort. 

Claudia Akamine, 45 years old


Dr. Bianca Brasil has been working with psychotherapy for over 24 years. She works with personal sessions for all ages and also sessions for couples, families and institutions. 

All therapy modalities are based on oriental philosophies (Natural Psychotherapy) and conventional styles associated to neurosciences. 

Natural psychotherapy and the Life Coaching method developed by her are brief treatments where all life areas are covered in a simple and practical way within a millenial order well established by Chinese philosophies. 

Dr. Bianca Brasil has great experience and international education in the treatment of depression, food compulsion, drug and substance abuse, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and ADHD. 

Sessions are available in person and through videoconference in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.
Dr. Bianca'´s Life Coaching method is revealing. It is a passionate and singular journey based on ancient oriental principles that seem so innovating to us Westerners. Each step brings you more clarity of your place in this world, where you are heading to and that it is no use trying to skip steps, life has its own order and wisdom. Being able to find out the right path and that everything is connected is surely liberating and strengthening. 

Dr. Daniela Dias, 48 years old

There are so many Coaching methods nowadays, but there are two things that make me motivate people who really want to leave their comfort zone to choose this one: first, it looks at who you really are and reveals a lot about yourself, which will make a huge difference in your life, and second, it is how it works on life's nine areas in an orderly and complementary manner, it goes way beyond the famous Wheel of Life utilized in most Coaching Methods in the market. 

Marcos Aurelio Paris, 46 anos

Dr. Bianca's Life Coaching method has contributed in a very meaningful way to my vision of the world.  The wisdom shared by her and the application of those concepts in real life made it possible for me to understand my real nature, recognize my unique gifts and talents and through such I was able to rescue old dreams and important projects, being able to make more righteous choices completely aligned with my life purpose.

Mayumi Uehara, 35 anos


In 2015, Dr. Bianca Brasil developed a weight loss method based on Classic Chinese Medicine and called it UWM - Ultimate Weight Management (GDP - Gestão Definitiva de Peso). With this method, people lose weight naturally and definetely without any need for diet, medication or physical exercise. 

After the first months of training people in this method, our clients, apart from losing weight, also reported being cured of insomnia, menopause symptoms, different allergies, high blood pressure, gastroesofageal reflux, mycosis, inflammations and even type 2 diabetes, being able to let go of medications that had been prescribed to them for the rest of their lives. 

In the meantime, the theory behind UWM was proven by the 2016 Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi´s Nobel Prize, and since then, Dr. Bianca Brasil started to ally Chinese Medicine concepts to the most recent medical research, and today, with all the experience acquired along the years of teaching and practicing the method, she is developing her Doctoral thesis at the Paulista Medical School of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).

With more than 3,000 students of this method all over the world, UWM has been validated through scientific research and real results. UWM´s ultimate mission is to grant their practiocioners with the freedom to choose their food and also the relief and even cure for diseases once believed to be chronic and incurable, all of this in a natural, practical and simple way.  

Today, the UWM method is available in online courses, in person courses, in company training programs and personal mentorships in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. 

Please contact us for further information.
My wife and I both did the UWM training and both of us lost weight, I lost 26 pounds and she lost 17 pounds. The most interesting outcome is that from the second day of practicing the UWM method my GERD symptoms dissapeared and since that day I quit the GERD and gastritis medications and the symptoms never returned. Thanks to the UWM method, not only my wife and I lost weight but I am cured of gastritis.  

Marcelo Ginoza, 54 years old

With the UWM method I lost 35 pounds and my husband's abdomen has shrunk. Today, our quality of life is 100%, our lab tests are all perfect, he was able to finally control his blood pressure and in the first days of practicing the method the GERD and migrains I had had for years were gone. If you haven't done this training yet, do it!  

Andrea Favero, 50 years old

My body was entirely, I was always tired, was overweight and had chronic rashes all over my body. I did the UWM training and from the third day of practice I could feel my energy returning. I started to run again, the pain was gone, I lost 36 pounds and my self esteem was recovered. All of these benefits while being able to eat everything I wanted!!! I told friends and family members to do the training and they are all mesmerized.  

Claudia Teruya, 52 years old

 Before taking the UWM training, my insulin, cholesterol, triglicerides and glicemic levels were all high, I also had insomnia, stomachache and nausea 24 hours a day on a daily basis for years, no matter what I ate. At this moment, I have only lost 17 pounds, however, I sleep well all night, I eat everything I want without any discomfort, don't feel any pain and my doctor told me I could stop taking the 12 different medications that he had prescribed to me for the rest of my life. 

Mafalda Firmino, 67 years old

With the knowledge I got through the UWM training, apart from losing 24 pounds and having much more focus and energy, my triglicerides went from 745 to 218, and my cholesterol from 320 to 210.  I am very happy with the training, I have learned a lot about my health and I always tell friends and acquaintances to do it, because I got all those benefits without changing a single thing in my diet. 

Gilmar Augusto, 66 years old

I lost 40 pounds in 3 months while being able to eat everything I like. The best part of the UWM method is the freedom it gives you. Apart from losing weight, I had strong and constant migraines and today I don'´t have them anymore. I recovered my self-esteem, my motivation, my energy and even my husband is happy with the results because my libido has also increased exponentially!!! I feel so good my husband, son and mother-in-law are also practicing the UWM method!

Chirley Mourão, 45 years old


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João da Silva

Criador do Marketing Digital 101

Instituto Bianca Brasil